In a nutshell:
- The corp has been busy with new recruits and helping the newest members become more comfortable in the capsule, and they've been racking up the kills. We have some fine, budding pilots who are just beginning to realise their potential, and they make me proud to call them friends and corpmates.
- Our wardecs against GiS have been dropped in preparation for rejoining The Bastards. alliance alongside our mates in The Bastards corporation.
- I've been busy working on a massive story for Eve-Mag, so watch this space for the announcement of the posting of Part 1! (Yes. It's that long.)
- I was offered a duel by a guy who happened through a system I was in a couple days ago, but was too busy at the time to accept. He asked again the next day, and we met at a safespot, Caracal vs Thorax. It was a close fight, right down to the wire, and he was very nice about it. Lau's a solid guy and I'm glad I was able to make his day ^_^
- Recent news has been a flurry: KIA lost a titan, Razor got burgled, Michael Jackson forgot to keep his clone updated, and Hellcats made IGB headlines yesterday morning. Things went a bit crazy with convos popping up from people asking to give our info to their sisters/girlfriends/female friends who also play Eve, and a few invitations to join alliances. Mynxee has to deal with this sort of thing every day; I normally handle the bills, UK recruitment and corp hangars, so I was going a bit nuts trying to keep up with everything.
- Because of the convo overload, I spent most of today docked up and making a template of our corp logo which could then be used to print the design onto a shirt (I've been very disappointed with the quality that CafePress offers). The results are rewarding, to say the least, and totally worth the pain in my hands from cutting out the stencil:

- And just as I was about to log for the night (putting it loosely -- I've become noctournal) my mailbox flashed. You'll love this:
2009.06.26 03:54It seems the twenty of us are worth spending half a billion ISK on, just to give us a little attention. Considering the difference in numbers, we've got to be the luckiest gamer-girls in the world, but all this honey in one place was bound to draw a few bees ~_^ See you in the clone-vats, boys!
GoonSwarm has declared war on Hellcats.
Within 24 hours fighting can legally occur between those involved.